
Risk Review

Hi friends and enemies! I recently wrote about Risk and how it holds a special place in my heart due to the memories and nostalgia I have around the game. Today, I wanted to actually dive into a review of Risk and look at how well it stands up. As much fun as I have…

Nostalgic Games

Hello once more, friends and enemies! When most people think about board games, they’re likely to think about Monopoly, Guess Who, Life, Risk, and many other games by Hasbro, Parker Brothers, or Milton Bradley. Of course, those of us in the hobby know there are far more options out there that go far deeper than…

Hunting for Games

Hello friends and enemies! I haven’t written in nearly a month now due to the busy pace of life lately. Thankfully, part of that has been hunting down and buying new games (Not to mention, playing those games)! This activity will be the focus of this post, though it may be a bit unorthodox. I…

Stardew Valley – The Board Game

Hello friends and enemies! I’m back with another review of a board game. This time, I’m looking at something a little newer… Okay, it’s actually a *lot* newer. A few weeks ago, the Stardew Valley board game was announced and put on sale. We’re all big Stardew Valley fans in my household, so this is…

Wingspan Part 2: Expansion Boogaloo

Hello again friends and enemies! I’m back to discuss the expansions for Wingspan: That is, the European Expansion and Oceania Expansion. Last time, I thought I’d be able to cram everything into one post and that was a mistake! Now I’m here to discuss those expansions and when it would be beneficial to buy them.…

Wingspan (“The Bird Game” in my house)

Hello friends! For my first “real” post I want to talk about what is probably my household’s favorite game at this time. Emily and I love playing it, and Remy would love watching it if the birds the game revolves around were to come alive. That game is Wingspan. I want to take a look…

Hello, World

Hello to everyone who’s come here to check out my blog! I decided to start this as a place to look at and discuss board games as well as my other interests and hobbies. The site is very much in a state of construction right now, but I hope to be up and running fully…

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