Hello, World

Hello to everyone who’s come here to check out my blog! I decided to start this as a place to look at and discuss board games as well as my other interests and hobbies. The site is very much in a state of construction right now, but I hope to be up and running fully soon! Please expect the site to look a little janky and until then and do expect some changes in the coming weeks.

I’m mostly going to use this as a place to talk about board games and tabletop games that I play and love (Or maybe don’t love as much). I’ll be reviewing games and taking a deeper dive into the mechanics of some of them. On top of this, I have some game ideas I’ve been working on that I’m going to love sharing with you as well.

While board games will be the focus of this blog, you can expect to see some other content as well. This will likely include my other hobbies such as video games. I’ll also talk about cool things that I’m doing in my life – like if I travel or visit a fun amusement park. I hope you enjoy the things that I share with you and look forward to friends and visitors sharing their own thoughts, so please feel free to leave a comment on any of my posts if you agree, disagree, or simply have something to add to what I’ve discussed!

5 thoughts on “Hello, World

    1. I would absolutely love to write up some battle reports! Once I’m playing miniatures games some more I’ll be taking notes to use for writing up battle reports. Unfortunately, the last game I played was a game of 40K a few months ago so I don’t have all the finer details of the battle memorized. Just know that every guardsman of mine on the battlefield died for the Emperor that day 😉


    1. Hi Chris! Always nice to meet another Chris, especially with the same last initial!

      I don’t have anything put together quite yet, but there are a couple of projects I have going on! The one that is more fleshed out at this time is a territory control game set in the early Bronze age where the goal is to have players build up their cities by gathering resources, building tools, and creating more workers. There will be a main board which is a map that players interact with by moving their workers around, gathering resources, and placing buildings down on it as well as a smaller board for each player that represents their city and center of production for tools and workers. I’m currently in the process of making the first rough prototype of the game, so it’s a bit of a ways off from being presentable but I’ve been steadily making progress on it over the past couple of months!


      1. Thanks for sharing! Sounds like a really interesting idea. I love having to manage my own mini player board as well as the main board. Can’t wait to see more as you progress further with the development.


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